info sobre ciudades de Colombia----------------
Vallenato Festival.at Valledupar, Cesar, On May 30.
Cradle of Accordions Festival.at Villanueva, Cesar. On September 19.
Coleo world match.at Villavicencio, Meta.
Plains corrido song. at Vichada. On February 5.
Plains song Festival. at Villavicencio, Meta . On March 19 to 20.
Feasts and Fairs. at Acacias, Meta. On March 25.
Aguinaldo Boyacense ( Tunja – Boyacá, December)
Buga Festival. at Buga, Valle. On August.
Folcloric Music Festival. at Socorro, Santander. On September 17.
Folkloric Festival in Malaga. On January 3.
Colombian Folcloric Festival. at Ibague, Tolima . On June 25 to 26.
Pacific Coast Folcloric Festival. at Buenaventura, Valle. On August.
National Bands Festival. at Paipa, Boyaca. on September 30.
Touristic and Folcloric Festival. at San Martin, Meta. on November 5 to 6.
Black´N Whites Carnival.at Pasto, Nariño, on January 3
The devil Festival.in Riosucio, Caldas.on January 9
The Honey Festival in Oiba, Santander, on January 16
Enjoy Barranquilla Carnival.at Barranquilla, Atlantico, on February 10
Pyrotechnical Feasts ( Riosucio – Caldas, February 13)
Sea Holidays ( Santa Marta, July 30 to 31)
Panela Feasts.at Convencion, North of Santander. on July.
Petroleum Feasts.at Barrancabermeja, Santander, on August 16.
Rooster Fighting National Fair.at Monteria, Cordoba, on June 16.
Sugar Cane National Fair.at Florida, Valle, on July
Nice Fair.at Bucaramanga. Santander, on September 8.
Cali Fair.at Cali, Valle, on December 28
Manizales Fair. ( Manizales – January)
Feast of San Jeronimo (Malaga -Santander – January)
Feast of the Corralejas (Sincelejo – January)
Festival the la Gallina (Sanjose De Miranda – Santander February)
Festival de la Subienda (Honda – Tolima February)
Fiesta de la Candelaria (Cartagena – February)
Carnaval del Fuego (Tumaco – Nariño February)
Vitrina Turistica de Anato (Bogota – February)
Fair of the Orchids (Medelin – March)
Festival of ass (San Antero – Cordoba, March)
Fair of the Zebu (San Martín – Meta, April)
Green Moon Festival (San Andrés, April)
Crayfish Festival (San Andrés, April)
Socorro Cattle Raise Fair. at Santander. on May 21.
Festival de la Cultura Wayuú (Guajira, May)
The Cachama Fish Festival. at Puerto Gaitan, Meta. on May 18
International Festival of the Culture (Tunja, May)
Arepa de Huevo Festival. (Luruaco – Atlántico, on May)
Natagaima Cattle Raise Fair. at Tolima. on May.
Festival Folclorico del Caqueta (Florencia – Caqueta, June)
Festival Nacional del Porro (San Pelayo – Monteria, June)
Festival del Mango (San Antonio – Atlantico, June)
Feria Agropecuaria (Charalá – Santander, July)
Feria de la Piña (Lebrija- Santander, July)
The Sun and Steel Festival. at Sogamoso, Boyaca.on July 2 to 3
Festival de la Cumbia (Banco – Magdalena, July)
Torneo Internacional del Joropo (Villavicencio, July)
National Beauty Contest "The Flower Show". (Medellin, August)
Fiestas Folcloricas (Capitanejo – Santander, August)
The Paper Kite Festival.at Villa de Leyva, Boyaca. On August.
Festival de la Cosecha (Pereira,August)
Festival de la Bahia (Bahia Solano, August)
Festival de la Talla en Piedra (Barichara, September)
International Book Fair (Bogota, April)
Festival del Despecho (Pereira, November)
Festival del Sur Colombiano "Colono de Oro" (Florencia Caqueta, November)
Festival Internacional Folclorico y Turístico del Llano (San Martín – Meta, November)
The Coconut Festival. at San Andres, Island. on November 30.
Agricultural National Festival. at Palmira, Valle. on November.
Pyre Works Festival. at Villa de Leyva, Boyaca. on December 7 to 8.
Fiesta de Velas y Faroles (Quimbaya –Quindio, December)
Cali Fair (December)
Torneo Internacional de Contrapunteo y la Voz Recia (Yopal – Casanare, December)
National Festival of the tree. (Villa De Leyva-October)
Festival de las Colonias (Cúcuta-November)
International Equine Fair of The Border (Cúcuta-July)
International Movie Festival. at Cartagena de Indias. on March 9 to 11.
Santa Fe de Bogota Movie Festival. on October.
Ibero American Theater Festival. Santa Fe de Bogota. on May.
Internacional Poetry Festival. on June 14.
Internacional Art Festival. on June 30.
International theatre festival.at Manizales.on September 1 to 3.
Santa Fe de Bogota Movie Festival. on October.
Cartagena de Indias Caribbean Music Festival, on February
Mono Nuñez Festival. at Ginebra, Valle. on June 4 to 5.
Festival de Cine Eurocine (Bogotá- April)
Opera at the park (Bogotá – July)
Summer Time Festival. at Santa Fe de Bogota. on August 6.
Festival Internacional del Jazz Teatro Libre ( Bogotá – September)
Festival Latinoamericano de Danzas Folclóricas ( Guacari- Valle, October)
Concurso Nacional de Duos (Armenia –October)
Música Sinfonica Colombiana y Extranjera ( Bogotá – February)
Festival de la Canción Llanera ( Villavicencio – Meta- March)
Temporada de Opera y Zarzuela (Bogotá-May)
Tango Festival (Medellín – June)
National Bands Festival (Paipa – September)
Festival of the Trova (Medellín – September)
Serenata Santafé de Bogotá (Bogotá- Parque Nacional-August, 6-Cumpleaños De Bogotá)
Rock at the Park ( Bogotá –October)
Festival Internacional de Música de Cámara (Zipacón – October)
International Piano Festival (Bucramanga-August and September)
National Festival of Carrilera Music (Sevilla-Valle, on November)
Epiphany day. at Egypt district, Bogotá. on January 6. s. at Cartagena de Indias. on February 3.
Holy Week at Mompox, Pamplona, Popayan, Pasto, Piedecuesta.
Boyacá Christmas gift. at Tunja, Boyaca. on December.
Festival of Religious Music.(Zipacón – On March)
Festival of Religious Music.(Popayán- On March)
Sea Holidays. at Santa Marta (Magdalena) on July 30 and 31.
Cattle Raise Reign.(at Monteria, on June 16)
Bambuco National Reign. (At Neiva, Huila, on June 21)
International Coffe Reign.(At Calarca, Quindio, June 2 and 3)
Tourism National Reign ( At Girardot, Cundinamarca, on October )
Harvest Season Reign. on October 28.
Beauty National Reign, at Cartagena de Indias, on November 11th.
Miss Tanga ( At Cartagena, on December upper season)
Reinado del Arroz ( Aguazul – Casanare, January)
Reinado Departamental de la Panela ( Villeta- January)
Feast and Reign of the Sea ( Santa Marta – August)
Bullfighting Season (Cartagena, on January 1 and 2)
Bullfighting Season. (Manizales, on January 10 to 15)
Bullfighting Season.(Bogotá, on January 29 to 31)
Bullfighting Season. (Medellín, on February)
Feria Taurina de la Candelaria ( Medellín, on Janury)
Independence Day. on July 20.
Cartagena de Indias Independence Day.on November 11.
Boyaca Battle.on August 7.
JANUARY Folkloric Festival in Malaga. On January 3.
Black´N Whites Carnival.At Pasto, Nariño, On January 3
The devil Festival.In Riosucio, Caldas.On January 9
The Honey Festival in Oiba, Santander, on January 16
Manizales Fair. ( Manizales – January)
Feast of San Jeronimo (Malaga -Santander – January)
Feast of the Corralejas (Sincelejo – January)
Epiphany day. At Egypt district, Bogotá. On January 6.
Reinado Del Arroz ( Aguazul – Casanare, January)
Reinado Departamental De La Panela ( Villeta- January)
Bullfighting Season (Cartagena, on January 1 and 2)
Bullfighting Season. (Manizales, on January 10 to 15)
Bullfighting Season.(Bogotá, on January 29 to 31)
Feria Taurina De La Candelaria ( Medellín, on Janury)
Plains corrido song. At Vichada. On February 5.
Enjoy Barranquilla Carnival.At Barranquilla, Atlantico, On February 10
Pyrotechnical Feasts ( Riosucio – Caldas, February 13)
Feast of the Corralejas (Sincelejo – January)
Festival De La Gallina (Sanjose De Miranda – Santander February)
Festival De La Subienda (Honda – Tolima February)
Fiesta De La Candelaria (Cartagena – February)
Carnaval Del Fuego (Tumaco – Nariño February)
Vitrina Turistica De Anato (Bogota – February)
Cartagena de Indias Caribbean Music Festival, On February
Música Sinfonica Colombiana Y Extranjera ( Bogotá – February)
Bullfighting Season. (Medellín, on February)
Plains song Festival. At Villavicencio, Meta . On March 19 to 20.
Feasts and Fairs. At Acacias, Meta. On March 25.
Fair of the Orchids (Medelin – March)
Festival of ass (San Antero – Cordoba, March)
International Movie Festival. At Cartagena de Indias. On March 9 to 11.
Festival De La Canción Llanera ( Villavicencio – Meta- March)
Festival of Religious Music.(Zipacón – On March)
Festival of Religious Music.(Popayán- On March)
Holy Week at Mompox, Pamplona, Popayan, Pasto, Piedecuesta.
Fair of the Zebu (San Martín – Meta, April)
Green Moon Festival (San Andrés, April)
Crayfish Festival (San Andrés, April)
Festival De Cine Eurocine (Bogotá- April)
Vallenato Festival.At Valledupar, Cesar, On May 30.
Socorro Cattle Raise Fair. At Santander. On May 21.
Festival De La Cultura Wayuú (Guajira, May)
The Cachama Fish Festival. At Puerto Gaitan, Meta. On May 18
International Festival of the Culture (Tunja, May)
Arepa de Huevo Festival. (Luruaco – Atlántico, on May)
Natagaima Cattle Raise Fair. At Tolima. On May.
Ibero American Theater Festival. Santa Fe de Bogota. On May.
Temporada De Opera Y Zarzuela (Bogotá-May)
Colombian Folcloric Festival. At Ibague, Tolima . On June 25 to 26
Rooster Fighting National Fair.At Monteria, Cordoba, On June 16.
Festival Folclorico Del Caqueta (Florencia – Caqueta, June)
Festival Nacional El Porro (San Pelayo – Monteria, June)
Festival Del Mango (San Antonio – Atlantico, June)
Internacional Poetry Festival. On June 14.
Internacional Art Festival. On June 30.
Mono Nuñez Festival. At Ginebra, Valle. On June 4 to 5
Tango Festival (Medellín – June)
Cattle Raise Reign.(At Monteria, on June 16)
Bambuco National Reign. (At Neiva, Huila, on June 21)
International Coffe Reign.(At Calarca, Quindio, June 2 and 3)
Panela Feasts.At Convencion, North of Santander. On July.
Sugar Cane National Fair.At Florida, Valle, On July
Feria Agropecuaria (Charalá – Santander, July)
Feria De La Piña (Lebrija- Santander, July)
The Sun and Steel Festival. At Sogamoso, Boyaca.On July 2 to 3
Festival De La Cumbia (Banco – Magdalena, July)
Torneo Internacional Del Joropo (Villavicencio, July)
International Equine Fair of The Border (Cúcuta-July)
Opera at the park (Bogotá – July)
Sea Holidays. At Santa Marta (Magdalena) On July 30 and 31.
Independence Day. On July 20.
Buga Festival. At Buga, Valle. On August.
Guabina and Tiple Festival. At Velez, Santander . On August 4 to 5.
Pacific Coast Folcloric Festival. At Buenaventura, Valle. On August.
Petroleum Feasts.At Barrancabermeja, Santander, On August 16.
National Beauty Contest "The Flower Show". (Medellin, August)
Fiestas Folcloricas (Capitanejo – Santander, August)
The Paper Kite Festival. At Villa de Leyva, Boyaca. On August.
Festival De La Cosecha (Pereira,August)
Festival De La Bahia (Bahia Solano, August)
Summer Time Festival. At Santa Fe de Bogota. On August 6.
Serenata Santafé De Bogotá (Bogotá- Parque Nacional-August, 6-Cumpleaños De Bogotá)
International Piano Festival (Bucramanga-August and september )
Feast and Reign of the Sea ( Santa Marta – August)
Boyaca Battle.On August 7.
Cradle of Accordions Festival.At Villanueva, Cesar. On September 19.
Coleo world match.At Villavicencio, Meta.
National Bands Festival. At Paipa, Boyaca. On September 30.
Sea Holidays ( Santa Marta, July 30 to 31)
Nice Fair.At Bucaramanga. Santander, On September 8.
Festival De La Talla En Piedra (Barichara, September)
International theatre festival.At Manizales.On September 1 to 3.
Festival Internacional Del Jazz Teatro Libre ( Bogotá – September)
National Bands Festival (Paipa – September)
Festival of the Trova (Medellín – September)
National Festival of the tree. (Villa De Leyva-October)
Santa Fe de Bogota Movie Festival. On October.
Festival Latinoamericano De Danzas Folclóricas ( Guacari- Valle, October)
Concurso Nacional De Duos (Armenia –October)
Rock at the Park ( Bogotá –October)
Festival Internacional De Música De Cámara (Zipacón – October)
Tourism National Reign ( At Girardot, Cundinamarca, on October )
Harvest Season Reign. On October 28.
Cartagena de Indias Independence Day.On November 11.
Touristic and Folcloric Festival. At San Martin, Meta. On November 5 to 6.
Festival Del Sur Colombiano "Colono De Oro" (Florencia Caqueta, November)
Festival Internacional Folclorico Y Turístico Del Llano (San Martín Meta, November)
The Coconut Festival. At San Andres, Island. On November 30.
Agricultural National Festival. At Palmira, Valle. On November.
Festival De Las Colonia (Cúcuta-November)
National Festival of Carrilera Music (Sevilla-Valle, on November)
Beauty National Reign, at Cartagena de Indias, on November 11th.
Boyacá Christmas gift. At Tunja, Boyaca. On December.
Cali Fair.At Cali, Valle, On December 28
Pyre Works Festival. At Villa de Leyva, Boyaca. On December 7 to 8.
Fiesta De Velas Y Faroles (Quimbaya –Quindio, December)
Cali Fair (December)
Torneo Internacional De Contrapunteo Y La Voz Recia (Yopal – Casanare, December)
Miss Tanga ( At Cartagena, on December upper season)